with Kary Preetam Kaur

NOTE: there were some technical problems on the day which delayed the start and visually the recording is far from perfect. However, the video is still easy to follow. Any problems or to request a refund please email me preetam@kundaliniyogacollective.co.uk.

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 On the scale of the Universe, we may feel minuscule but actually within us lies the seed of all possibility; every single human and being is like a real-life Tardis. Bigger On The Inside explores our individual magnificence within us – the vastness of the human spirit and the infinite power for love.

In this workshop we practice

* A rebirthing Kriya to clear sub conscious blocks with gong session
* Balancing the Mind with dancing
* Deep relaxation
* Meditation to Experience the Expanded Self
* Meditation to Experience The Infinite Power Within
* I am I am meditation

    Rebirthing works with the breath and with rhythm to create a flow that dissolves subconscious blockages and clears out negative charges in the cellular memory of the body. The result is a shift in consciousness and some deep inner revelations, experienced in a way that is unique to every individual’s life story.


    The yogis say it takes 40 days to break a habit of the mind and replace it with a new good one. To continue working on this state of expansion – why not set a commitment to practice this meditation for 40 days – to Experience The Infiniti Power Within.

    Tune in with the Adi Mantra:  Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo three times
    Followed by the Mangal Charan Mantra:
    Aad Gura Nameh, Jugad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guru Devay Nameh.

    Close with long Sat Naams three times.

    Kundalini Yoga Collective with Kary Stewart and Ratan Veer London, Peru

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